Reporter and editor covering science, health, and medicine.
Lauren Gravitz is a San Diego-based, award-winning journalist whose work has appeared in The Economist, Nature, Discover, O Magazine, The Washington Post, and more. She is an experienced editor, a fastidious researcher, and a writer in search of her next story.
Lauren was a 2021-2022 project fellow with the Knight Science Journalism program at MIT.
Featured stories
My Spotless Mind
Imagine purging life’s disturbing events. If you could alter or mute your worst memories, would you still remain yourself?
Published in Aeon. Read more
The Forgotten Part of Memory
Long thought a glitch of memory, researchers are coming to realize that the ability to forget is crucial to how the brain works.
Published in Nature Outlook. Read more
At the Intersection of Autism & Trauma
Autism and post-traumatic stress disorder share many traits, but the connection between them was largely overlooked until now.
Published in Spectrum. Read more
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